Michelle Cook

Serving the 65th Assembly District


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Legislative Office Building, Room 4044
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

It has been an honor to represent you in the General Assembly for another term.

Looking back at the 2015 legislative session I am proud of the steps the legislature took to grow our state’s economy.

We have continued to make important investments in Connecticut’s Small Business Express Program, which has succeeded in helping to grow our small business community. The property tax burden has also remained a primary concern for many small businesses. Thankfully, we worked to increase municipal aid in order to ease property taxes.

I am happy to report that I was able to secure $153 million in state funding for Oliver Wolcott Technical High School. This grant will permit the school to build a brand new building for its rapidly increasing student population and will allow many more students to attend this fantastic school.

In addition, we passed several measures this session to benefit our local sportsmen. Starting this October, bow hunters will now be permitted to hunt deer on private property on Sundays. I also fought to restore state funding for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s pheasant stocking program.

This session, I worked hard to ensure that our own Charlotte Hungerford Hospital received over $3 million in additional state aid. I am extremely disappointed that Governor Malloy has decided to cut $4 million in funding from our hospital. Please know that ensuring that Torrington families have access to high-quality healthcare is one of my top priorities and I will be working with my colleagues in the legislature and the Speaker of the House to mitigate these cuts.

I hope you find this information to be of use and please do not hesitate to call my office if you have any questions.


State Representative Michelle Cook