Rep. Patricia Dillon

October 9, 2012


After hiking together along the West River, State Representative Pat Dillon joined local environmental groups and elected officials at the West River Tide Gates to celebrate the West River Restoration Project and commemorate National Estuaries Day.

Pat Dillon
Rep. Dillon and John Champion of CT Fund for the Environment at the West River Tide Gates.

“This restoration project, with state and federal dollars, is one of the most important in the country,” Rep. Dillon said. “The West River flows through the west side of New Haven and other towns, uniting all of us from diverse neighborhoods. It is irreplaceable. Whatever our incomes, we can now fish here at the tidal gates, canoe at West River park, and stroll by the duck pond at Edgewood Park. This should remain a state and federal priority.”

As part of the National Estuaries Day event, Rep. Dillon joined members of the New Haven Bioregional Group, CT Fund for Environment and Save the Sound on a 1.5 mile guided tour of the West River. The group hiked from the Edgewood Park Duck Pond to the West River Tide Gates.

Discussions along the tour focused on the successful West River Restoration Project and how residents are reconnecting with the recreational opportunities of the river.

National Estuaries Day is the annual celebration of the vibrant and essential coastal areas where rivers meet the sea. National Estuaries Day is celebrated on the last Saturday in September.

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