Rep. Patricia Dillon

July 23, 2013


The state Bond Commission is ready to approve funding for a number of New Haven projects. Two that topped Rep Pat Dillon's wish list are a grant for Leeway and funding for Montessori on Edgewood.

Leeway is a pioneer in care for people with HIV and AIDS. This $3 million dollar investment will allow Leeway to expand its facilities and add 20 beds to its residential care home in New Haven. The funding was part of a bill cosponsored by Rep. Dillon

Funding is also on the docket for Montessori on Edgewood. The Children and Chocolate Festival at the school is a hit each year.

Pat Dillon
Linda Townsend-Maier with State Rep. Pat Dillon at Celebrating Children
& Chocolate: Valentine Chocolate Festival Benefit for The Montessori School
on Edgewood.

Since it opened in 2006 Montessori on Edgewood has been a hub of pre-k education and child care. The school is slated to receive $33,000 to go towards playground improvements and a security system.

You can view the full agenda of the state Bond Commission here.

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