Rep. Henry Genga

October 2, 2006


State Representatives Henry Genga (D-10th), Michael Christ (D-11th) and Christopher Stone (D-9th) say the anticipated bond funds for Cabela’s Inc. and the East Hartford Community Health Center will enhance quality of life for hundreds of people in East Hartford and Connecticut. These funds are expected for approval at the October 6th State Bond Commission meeting at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, CT.

The State Bond Commission is expected to approve $9.95 million under the state’s Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) program to help build Cabela’s Inc. sports retail facility at Rentschler Field. Cabela’s is the nation’s largest direct retailer of hunting, fishing, camping and related outdoor merchandise. The facility in East Hartford will exceed 185,000 total square feet and will be built on a 25-acre portion of the site. When completed, the store is expected to attract 3.5 million visitors per year. The company estimates that more than half of the store’s customers will come from out-of-state.

“The approval of funding for Cabela’s strengthens our belief that this project will be an economic powerhouse for Connecticut,” said Rep. Genga. “It will be the catalyst for future development in the area and is expected to create more than 350 jobs.”

“Cabela’s will solidify the state’s commitment to job growth, and I am thrilled that these funds will help our economy take an upward turn,” said Rep. Christ.

“Cabela’s will bring people to East Hartford and create a revenue stream for the state that is so desperately needed,” said Rep. Stone.

East Hartford’s Community Health Center is expected to receive $1 million in state funds to increase medical and dental services. The funds will also help expand the Obstetrics Department and serve an estimated 4,151 additional community residents.

“The appropriation of these funds is crucial to our community’s way of life in East Hartford,” said Rep. Christ. “The community health center does extraordinary work for people that could not receive these services if it wasn’t for the health center.”

“Adequate health services for Connecticut residents is such an important issue today, so I am happy the state is providing money for the expansion of these important services,” said Rep. Genga.

“These funds will go a long way in helping the health center reach thousands more people,” said Rep. Stone. “The health center is an asset to our community.”

Rep. Christ is also pleased with the announcement of $250,000 in a Small Town Economic Assistance (STEAP) grant to help South Windsor with the construction of soccer fields at Rye Street Park.

“These soccer fields will go a long way in teaching kids the importance of staying fit and the value of team sports,” said Rep. Christ.

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