Rep. Henry Genga

February 9, 2007


State Rep. Henry Genga (D-East Hartford) and 10 year old Justin Kvadas testified before the Select Committee on Children in support of House Bill 5204, an Act Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles with Children.

The purpose of the law is to educate the public and protect small children under 7 year old or 60 pounds from second hand smoke. “This is not primarily about punishment. It is about education. Education is our best weapon to implement change,” Rep. Genga stated.

According to Genga’s testimony, the American Lung Association reports that children who breathe second-hand smoke are likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung diseases. In addition, children with asthma who breathe second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to attacks. The statistic also notes that there is an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 cases every year of infections, in infants and children under 18 months of age who breathe second-hand smoke.

“A car is one of the smallest, most confined spaces in which a person could smoke. This is detrimental to a child, as they are held captive and can’t escape the smoke of their parent’s cigarette, especially when strapped into a car seat,” Rep. Genga said.

House Bill 5204 was prompted when Justin Kvadas, a 10 year old constituent and student from O’Connell School in East Hartford, contacted Rep. Genga about his personal concerns. “Adults in our school and homes have told us that smoke causes cancer, lung disease and that is very dangerous to our health, but there are adults who smoke and want the freedom to do this wherever they want,” Justin said.

Rep. Henry Genga is serving his second term in the General Assembly representing East Hartford’s 10th Assembly District. He is Vice Chair of the Education Committee and member of the Appropriations and Energy and Technology Committee.

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