Rep. Henry Genga

September 4, 2009


State Representative Henry Genga (D-East Hartford) proudly announced his support for a state budget that supports many of his priorities.

Members of the General Assembly Monday passed a compromise state budget that successfully closes an $8.5 billion budget deficit for the next two fiscal years. The $37.6 billion biennial budget was crafted following extensive negotiations with Governor M. Jodi Rell and was passed overwhelmingly in both the House of Representatives and State Senate.

"I am pleased to see that we were able to make a compromise where important programs for some of the most vulnerable populations in our state were protected," Genga said.

The compromise budget includes:

"East Harford will maintain its full fixed entitlement for education funding.  In previous years, there was an adjustment which was negative for East Hartford.  Now there will be no adjustment, which means an additional $484,000 this year.  This is something I have been working on with my colleagues for the past year," Genga stated. "The budget successfully protects education by funding Family Resource Centers, Priority School Districts, magnet and charter schools, local education aid, Head Start and Care 4 Kids."

Other projects spared the governor's budget are:

Cuts in the budget are four times greater than the revenues that will be raised with the Millionaire's Tax. Those cuts include reductions to state agencies and commissions, government bureaucracy, services that are not working as designed, and programs that are important but not essential in a budget crisis.

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