Rep. Henry Genga

January 11, 2012


Rep. Henry Genga (D-East Hartford) and Rep. Betty Boukus (D-Plainville, New Britain, Bristol) joined a bipartisan press conference in December in the Legislative Office Building capping off the collection for the 9th annual Secret Santa Collection for the Rocky Hill Veterans Home and Hospital.

Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs Linda Schwartz and other legislators spoke at the event.

“It’s important to thank everyone for participating in our collection for Connecticut’s homeless veterans,” Rep. Genga said. “Our veterans deserve our gratitude and support every day for their service. This is a wonderful way to show our appreciation.”

The approximately 400 veterans residing at the Rocky Hill facility continue to be in need of many basic personal items and the collection helped to provide these necessities. In addition to personal items, gift cards and clothes, this year’s donations included Wii video game consoles and a flat-screen TV. After the press conference, the donations were loaded into a van for delivery to the Veteran’s Home.

Since 1863, the residential facility at the Veterans’ Home and Hospital has offered a place to live and a continuum of rehabilitative services designed to prepare veterans for their return to independent living in the community.

Henry Genga
Rep. Henry Genga brings donations to a van that will take them to the Veterans Home in Rocky Hill as part of an annual Christmas drive to help homeless veterans.

Henry Genga
Rep. Henry Genga (left) joins Rep. Betty Boukus (second from right), Veterans Commissioner Linda Schwartz (center), other legislators and three student elves to deliver gifts to the Veterans Home in Rocky Hill. Boukus organized the gift drive.

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