Rep. Henry Genga

March 22, 2013


State Rep. Henry Genga has been appointed by Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey to serve on the MORE Commission’s subcommittee that will examine municipal taxation.

The Municipal Opportunities & Regional Efficiencies (MORE) Commission is studying government operations in Connecticut and will recommend ways to reduce costs and ultimately save taxpayer dollars.

“I am very excited to serve on this committee and look for ways that government can do more with less,” Genga said. “We need to re-evaluate the way we tax and spend public dollars, lessen our reliance on the property tax to fund local government, create a smarter tax policy and a more equitable future for our constituents.”

MORE and its working groups are bipartisan and include state and local lawmakers and municipal employees.

MORE’s recommendations for legislation are expected to be ready in time for action during this year’s legislative session, which concludes June 5.

For more information about the MORE Commission, go to:

See the list of Municipal Tax Authority Working Group Members.

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