Rep. Henry Genga

May 29, 2013


Rep. Henry Genga on Wednesday praised the enactment of a bill he introduced that establishes a Blue Alert system in Connecticut, which will notify the public when a law enforcement officer has been killed, seriously injured or missing, and a suspect, considered an imminent threat, is still at large.

“We are now utilizing new technologies that will improve public safety for all,” Genga said as Gov. Dannel P. Malloy signed the legislation into law.

“The East Hartford police officer who asked me to introduce the bill signed today and all law enforcement officers in Connecticut as well as residents will be safer as a result of this legislation,” Genga said.

People saw just last month in Massachusetts how public notification could play a major role in the apprehension of a suspect who harmed a law enforcement officer and others, Genga said. The Blue Alert system will complement existing Amber and Silver notifications and will put into practice a new, formal statewide communications system for this type of emergency.

At least 15 states have Blue Alert laws, including California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

As required under the bill, the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection will develop and implement policies and procedures for operating and administering the system. This includes procedures governing requests by law enforcement agencies to activate the system and guidelines to ensure that the dissemination of information does not compromise the investigation of the offense or disappearance, or violate the privacy of the law enforcement officer who is the subject of the alert or of the officer’s next-of-kin.

The legislation is Public Act 13-24, An Act Concerning “Blue Alerts.” It takes effect October 1, 2013.

Link to the National Blue Alert System.

Legislative Office Building, Room 4030
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
(860) 240-8585 | 1-800-842-8267