Rep. Henry Genga

January 7, 2014


EAST HARTFORD – East Hartford's legislative delegation announced Tuesday that the State Bond Commission is expected this week to approve a grant-in-aid to the Raymond Library to install a new roof and heating and air conditioning units.

The $345,666 grant is part of a continuing investment by the State of Connecticut into renovations to the East Hartford library, which has not been updated in nearly half a century. The state has previously approved $3 million in bonding for the library renovations, and East Hartford residents voted to borrow more than $2 million for the project. The renovations are already under way.

"The Raymond Library is a cornerstone of my district and I'm very happy that our delegation was able to work with Governor Malloy and Mayor Marcia Leclerc to secure this bond money," said state Representative Henry Genga (D-East Hartford). "The renovations will ensure the future of this great resource of East Hartford."

"This is excellent news. This was our Christmas miracle," Library Director Susan Hansen said regarding the state bonding. "We've had a roof leaking problem that I just couldn't believe, and the heating and air conditioning, they barely kept us cool in the summer and we were just warm enough in the fall. We want to bring in a new system that is much more energy-efficient."

The funds for the renovations comes from bonding that was unanimously approved by a bipartisan vote of the state legislature back in 2007; $3.5 million was set aside for the State Library Board to recommend disbursements to needy community libraries.

"Once again the state is showing its commitment to its towns and residents by picking up a substantial portion of the cost of renovating vital public institutions like the Raymond Library," said state Senator Gary D. LeBeau (D-East Hartford). "This is a great investment in East Hartford's past, present and future. I can't wait for the grand re-opening next year!"

"I'm grateful for Governor Malloy's interest in our public library and Mayor Marcia Leclerc's tenacity in seeing the project to fruition," said state Representative Timothy Larson (D-East Hartford).

"I would like to thank the governor for his continued support of our long-awaited library renovation project," said state Representative Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford). "The Raymond Library has long been a critical asset in our community and this commitment of funding will keep the timing of the project on track and allow for a grand reopening that will improve that quality of life for all who come through its doors."

"As a community, we offer our thanks to Governor Malloy, the East Hartford legislative delegation and the Connecticut State Library staff who understand that for East Hartford, a library is more than a building with books. It's a place where the community gathers to learn, to explore and to establish the early foundations of a complete education which will serve the individual residents and the community for years to come," East Hartford Mayor Marcia Leclerc said. "This funding will literally go toward keeping a roof over the heads of all patrons of this local institution, and for that I thank the State Bond Commission."

The State Bond Commission is scheduled to meet Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 3 p.m. in the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

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