Rep. Henry Genga

May 12, 2014


EAST HARTFORD – Despite state budget pressures facing Connecticut, legislators representing East Hartford announced that state funding for the town will increase $2.8 million in the next fiscal year beginning July 1.

"I am very pleased that the hard work of the delegation was successful in meeting the ever-growing needs of East Hartford and its educational system," Rep. Henry Genga (D-East Hartford) said, citing the work of his colleagues, Reps. Tim Larson (D-East Hartford, Manchester, South Windsor) and Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford, Manchester) and Sen. Gary LeBeau (D-East Hartford). "I am proud of the results of our work during this session," Genga said.

"We have a delegation that works together on behalf of East Hartford. Each member brings their own area of expertise and we requested committee assignments to ensure that we protect our town's interests in a number of policy areas," said Rep. Rojas. "Despite the budgetary pressures we face as a state, we were able to secure increases in critical state funding areas for the town's side of the budget and the board of education, mitigating increases in local property taxes."

Rep. Larson also cited Gov. Dannel Malloy for his critical support in making sure East Hartford received its fair share of funding. "Since the day he came into office he has always been pro-education, trying to hold towns harmless with educational funding. This is just another example of Governor Malloy investing in our children," said Rep. Larson.

"When I first began in the state Senate in 1996, East Hartford was receiving $14 million a year in state aid. This year, it's up to $55 million – quadruple what it was when I began my Senate career," Sen. LeBeau said. "East Hartford's legislative delegation has done a great job over the years of ensuring that these funds increase most every year, and this year continues that trend. It's a huge benefit for the Town of East Hartford, for its taxpayers and its students."

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