Henry Genga

Serving the 10th Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4030
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor:
Connecticut did what many other states struggled to do this year:
We created a balanced budget that protects working families, gives more support to our cities and towns and does not raise taxes. This budget also takes the additional step of protecting us from future financial downfalls by depositing the full 2014 budget surplus of $43.4 million into our Rainy Day Fund. By spending responsibly now and investing in our future we provide for a more financially stable economy.
Despite not raising taxes and remaining under the spending cap, the state was still able to make many investments and provide additional funding to our municipalities. Cities and towns will see nearly $70 million in funding for education costs, Payments In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) and other costs. By saving our municipalities money, we allow them to provide tax relief and make local capital investments.
East Hartford will receive an additional $2.7 million for education and $319,000 for aid to general town government. We were very fortunate to be able to advocate and be successful in receiving this critical funding, which will lessen the burden on East Hartford taxpayers.
Your input helps me to properly represent you. Please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me with your thoughts, ideas or suggestions.