Henry Genga

Serving the 10th Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4030
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor,
I am thrilled to report that in this year’s legislative session we adopted a state budget that will greatly benefit residents of East Hartford. Under the new budget, East Hartford will receive an additional $700,000 for general government in 2016 and $1.9 million more in 2017.
And because of my efforts, and those of the other East Hartford legislators, an additional $915,000 in grants will go towards our magnet schools. This will provide relief against property taxes and future increases.
In another victory for East Hartford, the motor vehicle tax will be capped at 32 mills for 2016 and 29.36 mills in 2017. Currently, our East Hartford motor vehicle tax rate is 45.86 mills. Owners of motor vehicles in East Hartford will save a lot of money as a result of the new budget.
I worked hard this year to develop a state budget that represents the wide-ranging priorities of our diverse state and sets us on a path that encourages continued economic growth and promotes fairness. The budget protects hard-working, middle-class families by providing property tax relief through additional aid to our communities, and funds vital services that people rely on every day by asking millionaires and corporations to pay a little bit more.
Essential funding was protected for families that need it most, including social services, libraries, before-and after-school programs, developmental services and state parks.
To protect our financial future, I fought hard to institute over one billion dollars of budget cuts and to control state spending by prioritizing the needs of Connecticut’s families and the residents of East Hartford.
All the best,