Rep. Susan Johnson

January 23, 2009


State Representative Susan Johnson was sworn in by Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz on January 7, 2009, as the new State Representative serving the 49th General Assembly District. Johnson succeeded Walter Pawelkiewicz (D-Windham) who has retired after ten years in the position. The ceremony took place at the State Capitol in Hartford Connecticut during the opening day of the 2009 session of the state legislature. Pawelkiewicz attended the session as Representative Johnson's guest to see his successor take her oath of office.

New Speaker of the House Christopher G. Donovan (D-Meriden) has appointed Johnson to serve on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding, Energy and Technology, and, Education Committees. Johnson stated that she is honored and pleased to be appointed to these committees as she will be able to work directly on many critically important issues discussed with her by Windham residents during her election campaign.

Prior to her election to the State House of Representatives Johnson served on Windham Board of Selectmen, Windham Board of Assessment Appeals, and Windham Zoning Board of Appeals. She currently chairs the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, but expects to soon resign from that position to fully concentrate on her legislative responsibilities.

Connecticut legislators serve two year terms. The 2009 session is scheduled to end on June 3, 2009.

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Hartford, CT 06106-1591
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