Rep. Susan Johnson

January 12, 2012


Joins legislators from across the nation defending the constitutionality of health law

State Representative Susan Johnson, Vice Chair of the state legislature’s Insurance & Real Estate Committee, joined with other lawmakers at the state capitol in support of a U.S. Supreme Court filing defending the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The case will be heard by the high court in March.

In conjunction with the Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform, hundreds of lawmakers from across the nation joined forces to announce and demonstrate their support of the Friend of the Court Brief. The legislators’ brief argues that the Constitution gives broad power to the federal government to act in cases where a national solution is necessary. The Affordable Care Act capitalizes on state innovations by setting a minimum coverage floor and giving states considerable policy flexibility.

“I’m proud that we in Connecticut are supporting the Affordable Care Act which has already lowered health care costs and expanded health insurance coverage for many state residents,” said Rep. Johnson.

The Affordable Care Act has already provided benefits to children with pre-existing conditions, who can no longer be denied health insurance; individuals who cannot be kicked off their policies when they get sick; and young adults who can stay on their parents’ policies until age 26. More residents will save money on their health care when the law is fully implemented in 2014.

The show of support for the Affordable Care Act in Connecticut was part of a larger demonstration of support for the law across the nation this week, as over 500 state legislators representing all 50 states signed on to the Friend of the Court Brief defending the law. The brief will be filed this Friday and was prepared in conjunction with the Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform (a national group of state legislators working to advance health reform and implement the Affordable Care Act) and the Constitutional Accountability Center.

The full text of the Friend of the Court Brief will be available at:

Legislative Office Building, Room 4029
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
(860) 240-8585 | 1-800-842-8267