Mary Mushinsky

Serving the 85th Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4038
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor,
I am pleased to share with you this update on the recently concluded legislative session. The need to encourage economic growth, help working families, and make critical investments in the future of our children, as well as our state, was clear. My committee, the bipartisan Program Review and Investigations, worked on re-employment of older workers and the long-term unemployed, restoring state park services, substance abuse, and UConn affordability.
Working in a bipartisan manner, we were able to increase funding for edu-cation and enable more children to attend pre-school. We also made ad-ditional investments in job creation programs such as STEP-UP, which encourages employers to hire veterans and the unemployed, and Platform to Employment, which will help our long term unemployed regain jobs. Please visit www.ctdol.state.ct.us for job assistance.
Spurring more economic development was also a priority that we met by
helping United Technologies Corp. upgrade and expand its aerospace re-
search and manufacturing facilities across the state. This in turn will have
a domino effect and help UTC’s suppliers and related businesses.
Our town did very well. Wallingford legislators teamed up to pass a law that will create an Enterprise Zone and got assistance to meet phosphorus requirements, additional town aid, and restoration of funding for local access television. The enclosed information is a brief summary.
Feel free to call or email me for additional details or if you need any assistance.
Mary Mushinsky