Robyn Porter
Serving the 94th Assembly District
Legislative Office Building, Room 4006
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor:
I am pleased to share with you this update on the recently concluded legislative session.
While my time serving the 94th District has been brief, I was proud to be a part of so many strong pieces of legislation that will truly help the people of Hamden and New Haven. Both towns are going to see an increase in the money coming back from Hartford without seeing an increase in state taxes. Furthermore many of the bills that I supported will go a long way towards growing our middle class, from promoting access to jobs for ex-offenders and veterans returning from overseas to increasing funding for businesses who are looking to expand.
Working in a bipartisan manner, we were able to increase funding for education and enable more children to attend pre-school. We also made additional investments in job creation programs such as Step-Up, which encourages employers to hire veterans and the unemployed, and will help our economy grow.
I hope you find the enclosed information helpful and will feel free to call or email me for any reason — legislative or otherwise. It is my pleasure and honor to serve as your state representative.