Rep. Jason Rojas

November 17, 2009

Recession puts DV victims at greater risk

State Representative Jason Rojas has been appointed by the Speaker of the House Christopher G. Donovan to the Legislative Task Force on Domestic Violence. The task force that will help formulate Connecticut's response to challenges faced by victims of domestic violence that have been exacerbated by the recession.

"I am honored to have been selected to serve on this panel that is charged with the critical task of undertaking a comprehensive review the state's ability and role in mitigating and combating domestic violence," said Rep. Rojas. "There are so many important issues to address as a legislature and when asked to serve on this panel I immediately thought about my wife, my sister, female friends and especially my two daughters and how domestic violence can impact anyone. I knew that this is an issue that I should dedicate my extra time and efforts to with the goal of improving and strengthening our policies."

Speaker Donovan said that recent actions by Governor M. Jodi Rell have "cut funding for family violence victim advocates in the courts at a time when the need for them is growing exponentially. These advocates serve as liaisons for victims navigating the judicial system. They provide support during what can be a very frustrating and scary process so that victims succeed in securing restraining orders and other measures necessary to ensure their safety."

Rep. Rojas also state, "We will spend the next year or so studying current statutes and funding streams to determine where we can make changes to statue and appropriations so that front line workers like domestic violence shelters and victim's advocates are receiving the support they deserve to carry out their missions and protect families from acts of violence."

The task force will hold its first meeting on Monday, November 30 at 1:00 at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. For more information, contact Rep. Rojas at 860-240-8500 or

Legislative Office Building, Room 4023
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
(860) 240-8585 | (860) 240-0549