Rep. Jason Rojas

January 15, 2010


State Rep. Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford) has been named by House Speaker Christopher G. Donovan (D-Meriden) and House Majority Leader Denise Merrill (D-Mansfield) to a new a commission that will seek to identify opportunities for more regional collaborations designed to create efficiencies and save money for municipalities. The Blue Ribbon Commission on Municipal Opportunities and Regional Efficiencies (MORE) will begin its work next Tuesday, January 19th with the goal of recommending legislation during the 2010 session.

"We can be doing more with less," Speaker Donovan said. "Rep. Rojas and MORE will help us find these new ways to help our cities and towns. I am confident we can bring about real property tax reform by regionalizing certain activities that can both save money and improve the economic competitiveness of our state."

"We've talked for a long time about restructuring government at all levels across the state," said Rep. Merrill. "Now we're going to take action. I'm excited about the chance to bring some relief to our cities and towns and to bring about the kind of structural change that can deliver benefits for years to come."

"Regional solutions have long been a priority to me since serving on both the town council and board of education in East Hartford," Rojas said. "I am excited about the opportunity to work towards the goal of improving collaboration between towns and with the state. The long term goal is smarter tax, spending and development policies."

The MORE Commission will be comprised of 45 Democratic members of the House of Representatives and representatives of municipalities, regional organizations, education, business, unions and non-profits.

The Commission will look at a wide spectrum of issues and opportunities facing municipalities: multi-town collaboratives, Board of Education functions, regionally-based organizations, collective bargaining, mandates, revenue sources, health care, and state grants. In each of these areas, commission subcommittees will investigate costs, benefits, resources, legal obstacles and opportunities, potential savings, consolidation, and results-based accountability (RBA) methods for tracking performance.

Rep. Rojas represents the 9th Assembly District, which includes parts of East Hartford, Glastonbury and Manchester, and is a member of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding, Higher Education and Employment and Planning and Development Committees.

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