Rep. Jason Rojas

April 29, 2011


State Reps. Jason Rojas, John Thompson (D-Manchester), Geoff Luxenberg (D-Manchester) and Sen. Steve Cassano (D-Manchester) today announced the State Bond Commission’s approval of $1.3 million in funding for capital equipment and technology initiatives at Manchester Community College.

“These are the types of strategic capital investments that will help keep Manchester Community College and the entire community college system at the forefront of affordable and accessible higher education,” Rep. Rojas said after the commission voted. “MCC has experienced dramatic growth over the last decade. In order to meet the needs of our students and workforce, investments in technology enhancements will allow us to further improve the quality of education,” Rojas added.

“I taught at MCC for 28 years and I can tell you from firsthand experience the difference that modern equipment makes to both the teaching and the learning experience,” said Sen. Cassano “Just the exposure to this kind of new technology provides will help prepare students for the modern workforce that they are about to enter themselves.”

The money will be used to buy technology and telecommunications equipment and to make related technology infrastructure improvements. Items to be purchased include equipment for telecommunication closets, network wiring, switches, routers, servers, wireless hardware and software and related telecommunications hardware and software.

“This bonding will enable MCC to continue to be a leading educational institution in the state,” Rep. Thompson said. “We are so fortunate that our children and the adults in our town as well have this college right in our community.”

“Manchester Community College is an invaluable resource and I applaud Governor Malloy for approving these much needed upgrades,” said Rep. Luxenberg. “It’s critical to be on par with available technological advancements if we are to remain economically competitive in the global market.”

“Our community colleges service not only traditional college aged students but working professionals and adults who want a career change or who are looking to advance themselves in the difficult economic environment that we are still working through,” Rojas said. “Access to technology will provide our students the leg up they need to compete.”

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