Rep. Jason Rojas

March 21, 2014

$287,430 For Improvements To Society's History Center

Reps. Joe Diminico, Jason Rojas, Geoff Luxenberg, Timothy Larson and Sen. Steve Cassano announced that the town's Historical Society is in line to receive a $287,430 grant-in-aid.

The money, which will be used for HVAC installation and window and door restoration to the society's history center at 175 Pine St., is among the items that are expected to be approved when the State Bond Commission meets at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 28, in Room 1E of the Legislative Office Building.

"This funding is very important because it gives the historical society the opportunity to provide and expand programs. With a new heating and air conditioning system, the society will be able to use the building throughout the year," said Diminico (D-Manchester, Glastonbury).

"Rep. Joe Diminico demonstrated great leadership in securing this critical funding for Manchester's Historical Society," said Luxenberg. "It was a team effort but Rep. Diminico led the charge and brought people together to get it done. This victory for Manchester is a testament to his dedication to our community. Governor Malloy deserves credit as well as he continues to treat Manchester as if it were his home town."

Larson said he was extremely pleased to see that the delegation was able to obtain Governor Malloy's support. "It is especially important in these economically challenging times that we make sure vital resources like the Manchester Historical Society are maintained so they can continue to provide important services for the public," said Larson (D-East Hartford, Manchester, South Windsor).

"I want to applaud Rep. Diminico for his leadership in securing these funds for preserving Manchester's history and the ability for residents to access and appreciate that history. As a student of history I fully recognize the value of preserving the history of our communities," Rojas (D-East Hartford, Manchester) said.

"Connecticut is a state with a rich historical heritage," said Governor Malloy. "Any chance we have to make that legacy more accessible to our residents – particularly our young people – is one we should take. I'm glad that we can help the Manchester Historical Society keep its doors open year around."

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Hartford, CT 06106-1591
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