Jason Rojas

Serving the 9th Assembly District

East Hartford, Manchester

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Legislative Office Building, Room 4023
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267

Dear Neighbor,

I am pleased to share with you this update on the recently concluded legislative session.

We worked to adopt a budget that represents the wide-ranging priorities of our diverse state and sets us on a path that encourages continued economic growth. We protected hard-working, middle-class families by providing property tax relief through additional aid to our communities, and we funded vital services people rely on every day by asking millionaires and corporations to pay a little bit more.

The budget is balanced, under the spending cap and invests in Connecticut’s transportation infrastructure, which is critical to our future economy. Essential funding for families that need it most were protected, including social services, libraries, before- and after-school programs, mental health services, developmental services and our state parks.

I hope you find the enclosed information helpful and will feel free to call or email me for any reason — legislative or otherwise. It is my pleasure and honor to serve as your state representative and I welcome the opportunity to hear from you.
