Photo Archive
Rep. Jason Rojas joins Rep. Joe Diminico in welcoming school children to the Capital during the 2013 legislative session.
Rep. Jason Rojas, Sen. Steve Cassano (D-Manchester), Abby Jewett, AT&T director of external legislative affairs, and Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce President Mary Ellen Dombrowski at the Sept. 12, 2011, unveiling of the poster for the 37th Annual Glastonbury Apple Harvest Festival. For the second year in a row, AT&T is the lead sponsor of the Festival, and this year's poster was designed by two Chamber of Commerce representatives using a vintage photograph from the Library of Congress. For more information on the Apple Harvest Festival, please visit:
Over 200 students, parents and teachers attended the 28th Annual "Art at the Capitol" reception held Thursday evening,
May 11, 2011 in the atrium of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. The event recognizes the artistic works of public
school students from 3rd State Senate District towns of Ellington, East Windsor, East Hartford and South Windsor. Here, East Hartford
student Leslie Argueta receives a certificate of recognition for her work from the Democratic legislative delegation from East Hartford:
(left to right) state Rep. Henry Genga, state Rep. Jason Rojas and state Senator Gary D. LeBeau.
Rep. Rojas and Rep. Flexer testify in the Apporpriations Committee in support of HB 5811, AAC GAAP accounting.
State Senator Stephen T. Cassano (left) and State Representative Jason Rojas (right) held public office hours for 90 minutes in Glastonbury's Welles-Turner Memorial Library on Tuesday evening, March 2. About a dozen area residents turned out in the first half-hour to talk about firearms legislation, state agency consolidations, union concessions, small business taxes, Sunday alcohol sales, the proposed earned income tax credit, and other issues.
Jason presents a citation to Kellsey Walls of Troop 540 for his remarkable commitment to the Eagle Scouts.