Rep. Kevin Ryan

May 27, 1999


The State Bonding Commission today approved funding for technology wiring in local schools. The town of Franklin will receive $73,313, Lebanon will receive $108,356 and $102,835 will be bonded to Montville. The money will allow for the upgrade or installation of wiring for Internet and other telecommunications systems in the schools.

"I think it’s a great idea to make sure all of our schools have access to the Internet," Rep. Kevin Ryan said. "Computers such a vital part to our economy and way of life. The earlier we get children exposed to computers, the better their skills will be."

Franklin, Lebanon, Montville are three of 70 school districts in the state to receive funding for the expansion of educational technology.

"I and other leaders in Hartford are committed to getting our schools updated and on the forefront of technology," Rep. Ryan said. "These monies are part of a $10 million commitment to have all schools upgraded so they can fully be part of the information age."

Rep. Ryan serves the communities of Bozrah, Franklin, Lebanon and Montville in the General Assembly.

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