Rep. Kevin Ryan

May 8, 2000


State Representative Kevin Ryan announced today a bill passed by the legislature to raise the mandatory age of school attendance from 16 to 18 years of age. Rep. Ryan proposed this legislation in an attempt to reduce the growing number of Connecticut students dropping out of high school.

"I have worked on this bill with a number of my colleagues for six years and appreciate the outstanding support they have given," Ryan said. "I am glad to see this move forward by its passage in the House and the Senate."

Previously, students could drop out of school once they reach age 16, regardless of parental approval. This new law will allow students under the age of 18 to drop out only if their parents approve of the choice in writing. This ensures that parents will have a greater say in decisions made by children in the "gray area" between childhood and adulthood.

"By raising the mandatory school attendance age to 18 from 16, we can move closer to the universal educational goal of producing productive members of our society," said Ryan, a member of the Education Committee. "It doesn’t make a lot of sense to give up on a kid at age 16 when the age of 18 is more in line with completing high school and reaching adulthood."

This bill is now waiting the Governor’s signature.

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