Rep. Kevin Ryan

October 24, 2005


State Representative Kevin Ryan was honored with a Legislative Award by the Uniformed Professional Firefighters Association for his dedication and commitment to the interests of Labor and Professional Firefighters. He recently received the award at the biennial convention on Monday, October 17th at the Water’s Edge Resort and Spa.

“I am grateful to receive this award,” said Rep. Ryan. “I have the deepest respect for firefighters everywhere and I thank them for protecting our communities.”

Through Rep. Ryan’s leadership, the Labor and Public Employees Committee introduced bills to provide protection for health insurance and pension of retired firefighters, workers compensation for heart and hypertension while on duty, and the removal of the labor language in the Waterbury take over bill.

The convention was attended by professional firefighters from across the state, International Association of Firefighters General President Harold Schaitberger, Third District Vice President A. Michael Mullane, and many visiting dignitaries.

Rep. Ryan is serving his seventh term in the Connecticut General Assembly. He is a member of the Appropriations, Labor and Public Employees, and Public Health Committees.

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