Rep. Kevin Ryan

June 7, 2006


State Representative Kevin Ryan announces his recent re-election to a second term as Secretary for the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States (NCGLS).

“Because of the major presence of gaming in southeastern Connecticut, this is an important conference to gain information regarding the affects of gaming in the surrounding communities and the state in general,” Rep. Ryan said.

NCGLS is the only organization of state lawmakers that meets on a regular basis to discuss issues in regard to gaming. Members of NCLGS chair are members of committees responsible for the regulation of gaming in their state legislative houses. NCLGS does not promote or oppose gaming but is primarily concerned with the proper regulation of the industry.

NCLGS is a proactive participant in educating legislators on gaming issues, in the development of public policy related to state-authorized gaming, and, where consensus exists, in representing the states before Congress and the executive branch of the federal government on states’ rights issues relating to gaming.

Rep. Ryan also serves as Chairman for the Committee on Bingo and Charitable Gaming. In addition to this, he recently participated in a hearing regarding internet gaming.

Rep. Ryan is serving his seventh term in the Connecticut General Assembly. He is co-chair of the Labor Committee, and serves on the Appropriations and Public Health Committees.

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