Rep. Kevin Ryan

September 25, 2006


State Representative Kevin Ryan announces his recent involvement as a panelist at the Rural Oral Health Conference held in New Hampshire on Tuesday, September 19th. The conference explored preventative measures of dental disease in rural communities.

“The New England Rural Oral Health Conference provided practical and relevant information to healthcare and other professionals concerned about the high level of dental disease in rural communities throughout New England,” said Rep. Ryan. “I am pleased to have been a part of this conference to help their efforts of preventing declining oral health in my community. It also provided an opportunity to network with other professionals, program administrators, lawmakers, in the area of oral health policy.”

The New England Rural Health RoundTable (NERHRT) is a non-profit, membership-driven organization composed of a diverse group of individuals and organizations committed to improving health and health care throughout the rural New England communities. The RoundTable was established in 1997 with funding from the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) and serves as a regional rural health advocate for Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Rep. Ryan is serving his seventh term in the Connecticut General Assembly. He is co-Chair of the Labor Committee, and serves on Appropriations and Public Health Committees.

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