Rep. Kevin Ryan

May 27, 2008


This afternoon State Rep. Kevin Ryan, the House Chair of the Labor Committee, announced his disappointment in Governor M. Jodi Rell's decision to veto a recently-passed bill that would increase the minimum wage.

"At a time when rising energy and fuel costs are hurting the hard-working families all over the state, Governor Rell missed a major opportunity to provide some relief," Rep. Ryan said. "By vetoing this bill the governor is ignoring the hardships that many of our residents feel on a daily basis."

The bill, HB 5105: An Act Concerning The Minimum Wage, planned to increase the state minimum wage to $8.00 an hour effective January 1, 2009 and $8.25 by 2010.

One of the bill's major proponents and sponsors, State Rep. Zeke Zelaski (D-Southington) also expressed his discontent with Governor Rell's decision.

"Today is a sad day for Connecticut's lowest wage earners, because by her veto of a bill to raise our state's minimum wage, the Governor ignored the plight of workers and families hit hardest by a worsening economy," said Rep. Zelaski. "The Governor suggests it is not a minimum wage that supports our families. Not true. Thousands of our fellow citizens struggle and sustain their families every day earning a minimum wage. The increase in the vetoed bill would have made it somewhat easier for these workers and families to help sustain themselves during these difficult times. This was a surrender to business interests and against the interests of those who look to their government for help."

The legislation passed through both chambers of the General Assembly with bi-partisan, two-thirds majorities, and Rep. Ryan said he would support an attempt at a veto-override vote.

"While it's still early in the process, and we still need to hold discussions with the leadership in both chambers, I would certainly vote in favor of overturning the governor's decision," said Rep. Ryan.

Representative Kevin Ryan is currently serving his 8th term and represents the 139th Assembly District of Bozrah, Franklin, Lebanon and Montville, he serves as the Chairman of the Labor Committee and is a member of Appropriations and Public Health as well.

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