Rep. Kevin Ryan

May 27, 2009


State Senator Edith Prague (D-Columbia), State Representatives Kevin Ryan and Susan Johnson (D-Windham) announced that a bill preventing an ash landfill from being built in Franklin has passed both chambers of the state legislature. Senate Bill 3, An Act Prohibiting the Acquisition or Use of Certain Parcels of Land as Ash Residue Disposal Areas, passed the Senate by 27 to 4 and the House voted 95 to 51 to pass it. It now awaits the Governor's signature.

Senate Bill 3, co-sponsored by Sen. Prague, Rep. Ryan and Rep. Jonson, prohibits the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (CRRA) from condemning, purchasing, leasing, or using land in Franklin for an ash residue disposal area.

"The original CRRA proposal called for dumping tons of ash per day on a site in Franklin that would put at risk the drinking water in a local aquifer and the nearby Shetucket River, which supplies drinking water for the nearby town of Sprague," Sen. Prague said. "The plan's disastrous impact on the regional environment would be compounded by the incompatibility of dozens of large, ash-laden dump trucks making repeated, daily trips along the rural roads in and around Franklin."

"I urge Governor Rell to sign this bill at her earliest opportunity," Sen. Prague added.

"We are very proud of our vote today — Connecticut citizens spoke and we acted," said Rep. Ryan. "I would like to thank local advocates, especially Last Green Valley, for all of their hard work in protecting the character of our community for future generations."

The CRRA proposal to turn a 350-acre site off Route 32 into a landfill has been opposed by area residents, environmental advocates, and lawmakers for many years. Earlier this month, Franklin voted four-to-one to block the landfill in a town referendum. Windham passed a resolution to oppose the landfill last year.

"I was pleased to co-sponsor this legislation with Senator Prague and Representative Ryan," stated Rep. Johnson. "I am very proud to be a member of this legislative body because they recognize that placement of an ash landfill in Franklin and Windham would adversely impact the aquifer a potential source of pure drinking water."

Rep Johnson added, "Additionally, the resultant truck traffic would be a burden on the state road that has not been upgraded for more than thirty years. The landfill in Putnam has enough room to accommodate ash from our incineration facilities for a period of at least 15 to 25 years. There is no need at this time to create an additional Brownfield in Eastern Connecticut. I look forward to working with officials in the Legislature and Connecticut citizens to formulate a statewide zero waste management policy."

Landfill opponents were troubled by the possibility of increased pollution, more traffic and loss of open space. Of particular concern was the potential for toxins to seep into the ground and the water supply. The proposed site sits atop a local aquifer that provides pure drinking water to many residents and adjoins the banks of the Shetucket River, which supplies drinking water to the nearby town of Sprague. Precautions were incorporated into the CRRA's plan to prevent adverse effects, but most experts, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, agree that all landfills eventually leak.

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