Rep. Kevin Ryan

May 28, 2009


State Representative Kevin Ryan, the House Chair of the legislature's Labor and Public Employees Committee, announced that paid sick leave legislation passed the Connecticut House of Representatives this evening by a vote of 88 to 58. House Bill 6187, An Act Mandating Employers Provide Paid Sick Leave to Employees, establishes paid sick leave for employees at organizations with 50 or more employees.

"Paid sick days make it easier for working families to survive and protect the public health at the same time," said Rep. Ryan. "When sick people go to work or send children to school sick, they risk transmitting a disease to co-workers or students."

Many workers in industries that require constant contact with the public lack paid sick days — 78 percent of food-service workers, 57 percent of workers in the retail industry and 29 percent of health care and social assistance workers do not have any paid sick days according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research.

"With the recent outbreak of swine flu, folks were encouraged by everyone including Governor Rell and President Obama to stay home if they were feeling ill," said Rep. Ryan. "Unfortunately that is not an option for many Connecticut workers, because people can't risk losing their jobs or a few days pay because they have an illness. About 40% of Connecticut workers don't get a single paid sick day all year long."

According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, 18% of office employees will catch the flu from a sick coworker.
Rep. Ryan added "This bill also helps Connecticut's businesses. Employers will save money in the long run by offering paid sick days through reduced turnover."

House Bill 6187 would allow covered employees to accrue up to 5 days of paid sick time per year. The bill will now go to the state senate for consideration.

Kevin Ryan represents the towns of Bozrah, Franklin, Lebanon and Montville in the 139th Assembly District.

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