Rep. Kevin Ryan

January 11, 2011

Montville legislator named president of national organization

Montville state legislator Kevin Ryan is serving as President of the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States (NCLGS), a national, non-profit organization that focuses on public policy related to gaming and educating state lawmakers about gaming issues.

Ryan, who represents Bozrah, Franklin, Lebanon and Montville in the General Assembly, was chosen by the organization’s executive committee to serve as President. The council consists of legislators from around the country who discuss issues in regard to gaming.

“I’m honored to serve as President of the Gaming States Council,” said Ryan. “This is a group that doesn’t support or oppose gaming, but rather works to find sensible solutions to issues that arise in states, like Connecticut, that permit gaming.”

Ryan attended NCLGS’s multi states conference meeting earlier this month where he was part of roundtables on Indian gaming, responsible gaming, Internet and intrastate gaming, pari-mutuel exchange betting and lotteries.

Ryan noted that he is particularly interested in the expanding role of Internet and intrastate gaming and the state’s ability to control it.

“Obviously the biggest challenge confronting our state is the budget. We must take a good hard look at the lottery and the casino revenue structure,” said Ryan.

Ryan began serving his tenth term in the Connecticut General Assembly last week, where he serves as Deputy Speaker.

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