Rep. Kevin Ryan

August 2, 2012

Rep. Ryan pleased with Bond Commission item

State Representative Kevin Ryan welcomed the allocation of funds to local towns for road improvements. The State Bond Commission met Friday and approved the first half of the 2012-2013 town aid road grant. The four-town district will receive $237,760. A second similar grant will follow at the end of the year. Also known as TAR, Town Aid for Roads grants are generally released in January and July each year.

“These funds help stabilize local property taxes and put people to work on projects that need to be done,” said Rep. Ryan. “Town Aid Road grants are especially important, allowing rural communities to maintain our roads.”

Rep. Ryan said district towns will receive the following grants:

The state grant funds allocated are used locally for safety issue, design work, new street signs, catch basin cleaning and repaving.

The State Bond Commission met Friday, July 27 at 10:30 a.m. in room 1E of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

Rep. Ryan is serving his tenth term representing the 139th House District.

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