Rep. Kevin Ryan

April 29, 2013

Council of State Governments Appointment for Two Years

Deputy Speaker of the House Kevin Ryan has been appointed by Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey (D-Hamden) to serve on the Council of State Governments’ (CSG) Suggested State Legislation Committee through 2014. Membership on this committee consists of one legislator from each legislative body in the state. The CSG Suggested State Legislation Committee oversees the Suggested State Legislation Program (SSL). Operating for more than 60 years, SSL highlights innovative legislation from one state that may be beneficial to other states, and particularly in response to trends.

“The SSL reinforces the notion that greater success and cooperation are possible when colleagues listen to each other,” said Rep. Ryan. “Your horizons expand and force you to focus on what you want to accomplish for your constituents, your state.”

Recent issues addressed by SSL drafts include anti-terrorism, biometric technology, financial literacy and self-directed in-home care. The committee meets three times a year to review about 240 bills, and selects 30 to 40 of them to be included in annual Suggested State Legislation volumes.

“Rep. Ryan’s state legislative experience will allow him to represent Connecticut well as he undertakes this new challenge,” said Speaker Sharkey. “I am confident Kevin’s work on this committee will not only benefit our state, but help ensure the continued support of this important sharing of innovative ideas.”

Established in 1933, the Council of State Governments is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that provides information, research, and training to state officials in all 50 states and U.S. territories to promote region-wide initiatives, facilitate inter-branch cooperation, advocate on state-federal issues, and educate policymakers and the public on regional priorities.

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