Kevin Ryan

Serving the 139th Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4012
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to share with you this update on the 2015 legislative session.
Each year brings a new set of challenges, and the 2015 session was no different. Despite a serious budget deficit and the need to encourage economic growth, my colleagues and I passed a balanced budget that provides property and car tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses, consumer protections and programs that empower Connecticut’s families.
We also created the framework for a once-in-a-generation investment in our transportation infrastructure, which will spur more growth in our economy and create thousands of jobs. The result of all this will improve the quality of life for residents who use our roads and rail system.
In addition to delivering property and car tax relief, we passed legislation that protects seniors and brought transparency to the rapidly changing health care landscape. And in the aftermath of the largest data breach in state history, we set new cybersecurity standards for companies handling residents’ personal data.
We stood up for military veterans, students and Connecticut workers whose jobs and livelihoods are under threat from out-of-state competition.
I hope you find the enclosed information helpful and will feel free to call or email me for any reason — legislative or otherwise. It is my pleasure and honor to serve as your state representative and I welcome the opportunity to hear from you.