Rep. Toni Walker

April 21, 2011


Rep. Toni Walker and State Senator Toni N. Harp (D-New Haven), co-chairs of the legislature’s Appropriations Committee, today described the budget bill approved by their committee as a ‘responsible and realistic’ spending plan to concurrently meet the state’s obligations and streamline its government.

The lawmakers said more than a dozen state agencies will merge or be consolidated in the name of efficiency, even as the vital functions of those agencies are preserved.

“This is a fair budget that cuts spending and asks everyone to share the load,” Rep. Walker said. “I’m proud of the hard work of the Appropriations Committee and my co-chair, Sen. Harp. This was a team effort between the committee, the Governor’s office, legislative leadership and staff. Together, we crafted a budget that protects the safety net, middle class and cities and towns.”

“With responsibility for public safety, criminal justice, public health, public education and transportation – just to start the list – our state undeniably has bills to pay and in many cases, rising costs associated with the programs and services provided,” Senator Harp said. “I’m particularly pleased that with these obligations in mind, we’re able to avoid cuts to municipal aid, to the benefit of local property tax payers, and education funding, to the benefit of today’s students who will soon become tomorrow’s workforce.”

“Furthermore, the safety net for Connecticut’s most vulnerable residents remains intact under provisions of the budget bill approved today,” Senator Harp added.

The lawmakers said the budget bills approved today in the Appropriations Committee and Finance. Revenue, and Bonding Committee will undergo continuing scrutiny and refinement before they are considered by the entire House and Senate. For its part, the Malloy administration will continue its negotiations with the coalition of state employee unions toward the full value of the concession package also included in the budget package approved today.

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