Rep. Toni Walker

April 28, 2015


HARTFORD – State Senator Beth Bye (D-West Hartford) and state Representative Toni Walker (D-New Haven), the co-chairs of the Appropriations Committee, today unveiled the Democratic Appropriations Committee budget proposal for the State of Connecticut for Fiscal Years 2016-2017, which begins July 1.

The proposed budget – which will be voted on later today – will form the basis of budget negotiations going forward until the legislature’s scheduled adjournment date on Wednesday, June 3.

The Appropriation Committee’s proposed FY 16-17 General Fund budget cuts $504 million from the current services budget in FY 16 and $760.3 million from the current services budget in FY 17. It also seeks a $59 million cut over the next two years in salary adjustments for non-unionized state employees, and $62.5 million in overtime savings over the same time period.

The Appropriation Committee’s proposed FY 16-17 budget (all funds) is $40.47 billion; $19.905 billion in FY 16, and $20.565 billion in FY 17. General Fund expenditures are $18.286 billion in FY 16 and $18.873 billion in FY 17.

Compared to Governor Malloy’s budget proposal, the Appropriations Committee General Fund budget spends an additional $284 million in FY 16 and $321 million in FY17.

More importantly, the Appropriation Committee’s proposed FY 16-17 General Fund budget also adds or restores between about $285 and $321 million per year in proposed cuts or new programs, particularly in DDS, DSS and DMHAS. Funding was also restored for the arts, culture and libraries; state parks; the housing tax abatement program; regional tourism districts; before- and after-school programs and Youth Service Bureaus; and ECS for towns that receive less than 55% of their formulaic grant.

“Over the past two months we have heard from thousands and thousands of state residents about what is important to them, what makes Connecticut such a great place to live, and what we need to do to keep our economy thriving. This budget is a reflection of all those demands and expectations,” Sen. Bye said. “We’re demanding more savings from state government, and we’re re-investing in the people who need the state’s help. I’m very proud of the balanced and thoughtful work that this committee did. We have now completed part two of a three-part process, and I look forward to continuing working with the Republicans and the governor to create a budget for the people of Connecticut.”

“I am extremely proud of the Appropriations Committee,” Rep. Walker said. “All of its members’ hard work, diligence and insightful dialogue have shaped the budget that is before us. At its core, government’s role is to lend a hand to those who need a lift up. And although this budget reflects the difficult fiscal reality we are facing, we stayed true to our core values. We continue to support municipalities, seniors, children, libraries, schools, healthcare, arts, tourism and social services. Spending cuts are indeed everywhere in the budget, but we do not cut to the bone – vital programs and services will face tough choices, but they will have the resources to carry on.”

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