Toni Walker

Serving the 93rd Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 2702
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Dear Neighbor:
I am pleased to share with you this update on the recently concluded legislative session. Each year brings a new set of challenges, and the 2014 session was no different. The need to encourage economic growth, help working families, and make critical investments in the future of our children, as well as our state, was clear.
Meeting these priorities while also adopting a balanced budget with no new taxes took a lot of hard work, but I am happy to report to you that my colleagues and I were able to achieve our goals.
Working in a bipartisan manner, we were able to increase funding for education and enable more children to attend pre-school. We also made additional investments in job creation programs such as STEP-UP, which encourages employers to hire veterans and the unemployed, and will help our economy grow.
Recognizing the struggle of many working families, we raised the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2017. By helping thousands of minimum wage earners, hundreds of millions of dollars will pour into our state economy and help businesses grow and flourish.
I hope you find the enclosed information helpful and will feel free to call or email me for any reason — legislative or otherwise. It is my pleasure and honor to serve as your state representative.
Thank you,