Rep. Juan Candelaria

March 13, 2003


State representative Juan Candelaria (D-New Haven) has proposed two bills that would significantly affect Connecticut’s courts. The first addresses the handling of substance abusers and drug offenders in the justice system. The second would require the availability of Spanish interpreters in every courtroom in Connecticut.

"It is time that we look at better ways to treat the epidemic of addiction that continues to fill our overcrowded prisons rather than immediately resort to harsh sentences. Treatment would save the state millions and may save the lives of addicts," Rep. Candelaria said of his Substance Abusers Bill.

Rep. Candelaria’s bill would require the establishment of additional Connecticut drug courts in order to alleviate prison overcrowding and provide treatment in lieu of incarceration for substance abusers and drug offenders. The courts would primarily handle offenders who are sixteen to twenty-one years of age deemed capable of benefiting from placement in a substance abuse treatment program.

Rep. Candelaria has also proposed a bill that would require adequate Spanish language interpreters in every courtroom in Connecticut.

"There are thousands of Spanish speaking residents in the state of Connecticut many of whom have little or no English fluency. It therefore makes sense that in order to best serve our residents, and pursue fairness in the justice system that we ensure provision of Spanish interpreters for residents who need them," Rep. Candelaria said.

Rep. Candelaria serves the 95th General Assembly District and serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary and Commerce Committees.

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