September 1, 2004
Lawmaker Urges Swift Action following Alarming Pfizer Announcement
Today State Representative Patricia Dillon (D-New Haven) called for the immediate establishment of an emergency hotline under the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) to respond to needs of seniors following an announcement from Pfizer on August 31.
The drug company announced the termination of its discount card for the elderly under the new federal Medicare program.
Responding to the announcement, Rep. Dillon called for a new telephone hotline under DSS for seniors using the drug card that would confront eligibility questions, provide timely technical assistance, and help relieve anxieties of cardholders.
"Under the new Bush regulations, some people will be ineligible for coverage until January 2005. We must make sure no one is allowed to fall through the cracks. This is a shocking thing to do to vulnerable people without adequate notice," Rep. Dillon said.
Rep. Dillon referred to a statement included in a New York Times article "Pfizer Ends Drug Cards for Elderly" published September 1, in which Robert M. Hayes, president of the Medicare Rights Center, said, "A lot of people will be left high and dry tomorrow."
"No one will be left high and dry in Connecticut if we have anything to do about it," Rep. Dillon continued.
State Representative Patricia Dillon was first elected to the General Assembly in 1984. She is Deputy Majority Whip and serves on the Public Health, Appropriations and Judiciary Committees. Rep. Dillon is House chair of the Health and Hospitals Subcommittee on Appropriations.