April 21, 2010
Dear Editor:
The Courant's editorial on the state's Military Support Program (MSP) is consistent with the paper's outstanding reporting on behavioral issues in the military (Connecticut's Mental Health Program For Veterans Needs Help, April 21, 2010). I agree that the program deserves federal support. But the MSP provides transitional benefits. It does not duplicate federal efforts. It was funded with one-time funds for a reason. When we began planning in 2003, conventional wisdom was that the war would be short. Using a one-time funding source seemed adequate to help National Guard and reserve soldiers and their families.
Congresswoman DeLauro and Congressman Courtney are deeply committed to military families, and I support efforts to secure federal funds. In the meantime, we can't allow critically needed support for these soldiers and their families to be dismantled. Almost seven years after our first discussions and three years after the program was rolled out, 1700 people have sought help.
A thousand Connecticut soldiers were recently deployed. Their families are paying a price most will never pay. We shouldn't abandon them now.
Patricia Dillon
State Representative
92nd Assembly District
New Haven