February 6, 2012
Representative Pat Dillon (D-New Haven) has filed legislation to improve walk-ability, safety and infrastructure in Westville Village. There are currently 400 jobs in that part of the Whalley Avenue corridor.
“Westville Village has seen a restoration boom led by private investment,” Rep. Dillon said. “The time has come to invest public money in Westville’s renaissance.”
Rep. Dillon pointed to the painstaking, award winning restoration of Lyric Hall as an example of private investment in the area.
“John Cavaliere has done incredible work at Lyric Hall, restoring the beauty of this early 20th century theater, but we can’t cross the street to get there safely,” Rep. Dillon said. “It’s time for public investment to support the private investment with crosswalks and adequate lighting throughout the Westville Village corridor.”
Rep. Dillon’s bill would expand the state’s Main Street Investment program to include Westville Village which has been previously designated a Main Street area. The expanded program would allow for grants for street lights, crosswalks and traffic calming measures to improve pedestrian traffic and access to local merchants.
The legislation is being co-sponsored by Rep. Toni Walker (D-New Haven) and Sen. Toni Harp (D-New Haven).
“I want to thank Governor Malloy, Toni Walker and Toni Harp for their support in this effort,” Rep. Dillon said. “We all want to grow jobs in our neighborhoods. Westville Village should have every tool available to continue its renaissance.”