February 16, 2012
Legislation for Shubert funding and Westville traffic calming
Representative Pat Dillon (D-New Haven) hailed Commerce Committee action on two measures that will positively impact New Haven. The committee raised legislation, authored by Rep. Dillon, to improve the walk-ability, safety and infrastructure in Westville Village (HB 5040) and fund improvements to the Shubert Theater (HB 5041).
“This is exciting news for the Shubert and Westville Village,” Rep. Dillon said. “I want to thank the chairs of the Commerce Committee, Jeff Berger and Gary LeBeau, for placing this on the agenda and the committee for moving this legislation forward.”
An Act Authorizing Bonds of the State for Traffic Calming and Economic Development in Westville Village would expand the state’s Main Street Investment program to include Westville Village which has been previously designated a Main Street area. The expanded program would allow for grants for street lights, crosswalks and traffic calming measures to improve pedestrian traffic and access to local merchants. There are currently 400 jobs in that part of the Whalley Avenue corridor.
“People need to feel safe crossing the streets to the shops and businesses in Westville Village,” Rep. Dillon said. “This is an important step in Westville’s continued renaissance.”
An Act Authorizing Bonds of the State for the Shubert Theater in New Haven, co-sponsored by Sen. Toni Harp (D-New Haven) and Rep. Toni Walker (D-New Haven), would allow the state to issue up to $3.45 million in bonds to fund improvements and renovations to the historic Shubert Theater in New Haven for its upcoming centennial.
Rep. Dillon said, “The Shubert is a true Broadway theater in the heart of New Haven. As we approach its centennial, these funds will help ensure its existence for another 100 years.”
Public hearings in the Legislative Office Building will be scheduled for both bills.