February 2, 2013
Representative Pat Dillon reminded residents that the legislature’s Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing Monday on legislation (HB 6017) to secure state funding to replace undersized storm sewer pipes and improve drainage along Forest Road (Route 122) from Chapel Street to Edgewood Avenue in New Haven.
“Forest Road is dangerous after even a moderate rain,” Rep. Dillon said.
Rep. Dillon noted the 10 inch drain pipes under Route 122 are undersized and the road was not designed for the current volume of traffic.
“The road dates back to the early days of New Haven when the west side of town was still rural. It was a horse path that was paved during the age of automobiles,” Dillon said.
The legislation would dedicate $2.5 million in state bond funds for the project.
The Transportation Committee public hearing will be held Monday, February 4th at 10:00 a.m. in room 1E of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.
Residents who are interested in testifying at the public hearing can familiarize themselves with the process at www.cga.ct.gov/asp/Content/YourVoice.asp.