February 26, 2014
Good News! I am happy to relay Governor Malloy’s announcement that Connecticut will act swiftly to maintain current food stamp benefits by meeting the new standards in the federal Farm Bill as rapidly as possible. That means 50,000 Connecticut families will not have to worry about losing Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program benefits.
Extremists in Washington held the Farm Bill hostage in order to punish the poor in 15 states.
Nearly 50,000 Connecticut households were at risk of losing food benefits through cuts to SNAP included in the recently-passed legislation. The results were especially punitive given that extended unemployment benefits were terminated December 31, and food stamp benefits were cut in November (Read more here and here).
According to the Governor’s office, “Connecticut is dedicating additional energy assistance dollars to meet what’s called the ‘standard utility allowance’ for eligible SNAP recipients. This will allow current SNAP recipients to keep the benefits they’re eligible for. Otherwise, the Farm Bill would slash an estimated average of $112 from monthly benefits in Connecticut.”