October 29, 2014
Rep. Pat Dillon presented Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven with an official legislative citation honoring their 35 years of promoting homeownership in New Haven.
“Neighborhood Housing Services has played a critical role in restoring New Haven's neighborhoods,” Rep. Dillon said.
To provide critical financing for NHS to restore homes and encourage investment in New Haven., Rep Dillon has worked with NHS Executive Director James Paley, advocating for expanded Historic Tax Credits targeted to low income cities, and for raising the cap on the Neighborhood Assistance Act. Such dollars upgrade housing stock in transitional neighborhoods, encourage home ownership, and create jobs that stay in the community.
Rep. Pat Dillon and James Paley of Neighborhood Housing Services view a citation
presented from the General Assembly honoring NHS on its 35th anniversary.
See more at: http://www.nhsofnewhaven.org/ahd#sthash.Ra5r0GlA.dpuf