McCarthy Vahey

Serving the 133rd Assembly District

Legislative Office Building, Room 4001
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Capitol: 800-842-8267
Commission on Economic Competitiveness
I was appointed to serve on the new Commission on Economic Competitiveness. The nine-member group was created to develop policies that promote economic growth and grow jobs in the state. The Commission will analyze the impact state tax policy has on state business and industry and will also examine the needs of small and large businesses as they strive to maintain economic competitiveness. PA 15-5
Let’s Go CT
The legislature approved initial funding for the Governor’s $4 billion initiative to remake the state’s transportation infrastructure, including funding for Metro North, transit, Though there was much discussion of a statutory “lockbox,” action is needed on this and on financing of future plans.
PA 15-244
The Bike Bill
This year, I co-introduced and championed the Bike Bill. Passed with nearly unanimous support, it allows for more modern and flexible bicycle infrastructure in our state. The bill also empowers bicyclists to make the determination as to how far to the right they can safely ride.
PA 15-41
Handicapped Parking Spaces
Another issue I pushed for, along with the help of a dedicated constituent, was a fine for those who dump snow in handicapped parking spaces. The new fine matches current penalties for those who park in spots designated for our disabled.
PA 15-5
Updates to Our Education Laws
Student Assessments
As a member of the Education Committee and parent of a high schooler, I strongly supported a bill to replace the junior year SBAC testing with the SAT. Beginning this year, high school juniors will take the SAT as their required student assessment. Here in Fairfield, students will take the test for no cost during the school day. The law also creates a Mastery Examination Committee to study all student assessments and make a recommendation to the Legislature’s Education Committee.
PA 15-238
Protecting School Children
We passed a new law changing the penalty for mandated reporters who fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Under certain conditions, the penalty will change from a class A misdemeanor to a class E felony.
PA 15-205
Life-Threatening Food Allergy Task Force
After hearing from Fairfield parents and legislative colleagues, I introduced a bill creating a food allergy task force to examine the effectiveness of the implementation of current guidelines and make recommendations for improved practices.
SA 15-17
Dyslexia Bill
The State Department of Education is now required to designate professionals to help parents and boards of education implement measures for detecting and providing services to students with dyslexia. The bill also includes improved teacher preparation programs and in-service teacher training.
PA 15-97
Protecting Our Senior Citizens
Protection from Abuse and Neglect
To protect seniors from potential abuse, the legislature expanded the definition of neglect to include a situation in which a caretaker fails to arrange services necessary to an elderly person’s health. The Department of Social Services is now required to notify a nursing or residential care home resident’s designee of suspected abuse or neglect within 24 hours.
PA 15-150
Bill of Rights for Residents of
Continuing Care Retirement Communities
This year, we also created a bill of rights for senior citizens living in continuing care retirement communities. The bill of rights requires transparency regarding the financial stability of the facility, and notification to residents of major construction or any changes of ownership.
PA 15-115
Regulating Variable Electric Rates
Electricity providers can no longer enter into variable rate contracts or automatically renew those contracts. This law will offer protection from electricity providers who offered low introductory rates only to see a rapid increase upon completion of the initial contract.
PA 15-90
Establishing A Women Veterans’ Program
The Department of Veterans Affairs will now be required to conduct benefits and services outreach for female veterans, and offer recommendations to the legislature on what types of service initiatives would be best for female veterans.
PA 15-8