April 20, 2011
Rep. Jason Rojas joined Gov. Dannel P. Malloy Wednesday to announce that the State Bond Commission will vote April 29 on a bond package that includes $3 million in funding for the redevelopment of the Parkade plaza on Broad Street in Manchester.
“Town taxpayers and the town’s board of directors have committed resources and energy to the project. This appropriation will make it a true state and local partnership, which will help the town reach the goals we have for improving this major commercial corridor,” Rojas said.
“Not only will this funding for redevelopment and construction create new jobs now, but as we make this area more attractive to businesses, we can help grow more jobs down the line, as well,” Malloy said. “This is a great example of a state and local partnership, which will help create jobs and spur private investment, too.”
The project will reconstruct the area between Middle Turnpike and Center Street by creating uniform traffic land widths, establishing curb cuts for all properties to better manage traffic, providing uniform sidewalks on both sides of the street, and eliminating storm water drainage problems. The street reconstruction is one part of the overall Broad Street Redevelopment Plan, which has a goal of eliminating blight and repositioning this district as a vibrant neighborhood.