September 29, 2015
Rep. Jason Rojas announced that $7 million in state funding was approved Tuesday by the State Bond Commission for the expansion of CTfastrak to East Hartford and Manchester.
“Expanding CTfastrak East of the Connecticut River will result in a positive economic impact for riders in the Hartford-East Hartford-Manchester corridor where there are more than 150,000 thousand jobs.” Rojas said. “Many of the people working in those jobs could benefit from the expansion of CTfastrak.”
“The Metro Region Progress Points project, an initiative of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, recently noted that the suburbs have seen the largest increase in jobs over the last 20 years. Fastrak East will help connect workers to where jobs are growing and will help reduce the amount of time they spend traveling to and from work,” he said.
“I support the Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s commitment to the transportation project and region as he works to link housing opportunities, job growth and transportation,” Rojas said.
The expansion is part of Malloy's five-year ramp-up plan to start modernizing the Connecticut transportation system. His entire plans for the infrastructure overhaul span $30 years and would cost $100 billion if taken to completion.
Expanded service into East Hartford and Manchester, and possibly additional towns, would utilize the existing HOV lanes on I-84.
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