Rep. Christopher Rosario

February 23, 2015

Event organized by venerable Latino professional organization

Rep. Christopher Rosario joined members of the Greater Bridgeport Latino Network (GBLN) at a recent blood drive in Bridgeport hosted by GBLN in collaboration with the Connecticut Red Cross, Knights of Columbus and the McGivney Center.

“I congratulate GBLN on hosting a successful blood drive and all of the recently elected leadership of the organization,” Rep. Rosario said. “GBLN has been an integral part of the professional Latino community and I look forward to many more years of success.”

The Greater Bridgeport Latino Network (GBLN) was established in December 2003 in response to the growing need for Latino professionals in the greater Bridgeport area to establish a collaborative environment where Latino and other interested professionals could exchange resources and ideas.

GBLN elected new officers at their annual meeting in January. The new leadership of the organization is as follows:

Carolyn Gonzalez – President
Eileen Lopez-Cordone – Vice President
Carmen Van – Treasurer
Lily Lopez – Secretary

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